Care Leavers

Care Leaver Personal Advisers

The GISDA Care Leaver Service supports young people who have been through the care system.

At GISDA, we understand that leaving care can be one of the most difficult times in a young person's life, so it is essential that they are properly prepared and ready for the challenge. That's why we have a dedicated team of Care Leaver Personal Advisers who are passionate about supporting young people through this journey.

This project is supported by Gwynedd Council's Social Services and provides assistance to individuals aged 16 to 25 who were previously in the care of the Local Authority and require ongoing support after leaving their care setting. Personal advisers are available to provide support, guidance and advice to help these young people prepare for their transition into independent adulthood. All young people that are supported by this project receive a pathway plan that addresses key areas such as accommodation, education, training, health, family, social relationships, and their rights. Additionally, an education and employment worker is on hand to provide extra support for those who have left care and need help retaining a job, attending college, or pursuing any other training opportunities.

Our team consists of two Personal Advisers who work to ensure that every young person they support has the tools they need to succeed. From emotional support to housing-related issues, job searching to managing behaviour, and everything in between, our Personal Advisers are there to provide guidance and help young people navigate the challenges they may face.

In addition to our Personal Advisers, we have an Engagement Officer who is dedicated to supporting young people who are in education or employment and may be struggling. They work closely with young people to create individual pathway plans, offer practical advice and support, and provide the extra motivation they need to succeed.

Our Engagement Officer is committed to the welfare and development of every young person they work with. They are available to offer support and advice on a wide range of issues, from pathway plans to social services, housing to rights, benefits to work, health to education, and employment.

At GISDA, we believe that every young person deserves the opportunity to thrive. That's why we're here to offer the support and guidance they need to achieve their goals and create a brighter future for themselves.